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I'm not here to inspire doubt, only to provoke thought.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stolen Lines.

There is the part where you are strong, the part where you are weak and then the part when you can't feel anything at all. You have a ended something important to you in your life and you are feeling the effects weigh down on you like soaking wet clothing. Nothing you can do to feel a little more comfortable you simply have to wait for the clothes to dry in the sun.

The urge you fight to fix is the most painful stomach knot in emotional existence. You know what you want to do.

Come back. Change your mind. Love me. Please.

Sadly enough, these words are to often spoken to a deaf back side of the person who is walking away. Was it out of fear? Was it out of kindness of my livelihood not to waste my time?
We will never truly know. And that is the part that hurts so bad.

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