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I'm not here to inspire doubt, only to provoke thought.

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's All Hard.

Writing. Life. Love. Fitness. Sex. Drugs. Rock n 'Roll.

Writing because it's all you have sometimes, sure it can be influenced by other things, giving you something to work off of, however for the most part it is raw. When you write it is literally yourself vs. yourself, trying at maximum effort to pull ideas that could possibly go anywhere from your brain.  Life because finding that sense of security is the driving force in all the small actions we as humans beings do, and the rug is constantly being pulled out from underneath us. Love, because it requires the trust, the trust, that requires that stupid ass rug, the same rug, that with its flawless timing is ripped out from under you. Fitness, because you need the sexy body to find the love that requires the trust, that requires the fucking rug. And exercise makes eating bullets look fun. Sex, because you have to maintain the fitness to "make the love" both physically and emotionally I myself would assume. Drugs, because they are to expensive to really be enjoyed when it's appropriate. And rock n' roll, because it starts the cycle of writing about life and the things in it, like love, sex, rugs and drugs.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To Kill A Spider.

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott
So true good sir, oh so true. My mind runs rampant tonight. It must be the rain. Or the wine. I am not sure. We are deceivers by nature I believe. Telling lies as though it was the new language of a new era. Why? We comfort ourselves by telling ourselves that it is to protect others feelings. Ha! We even lie to ourselves. But it is it for selfish reasons we bend the truth. Weaving it around until it is so tightly spun we can't tell where it started. Maybe this is the sociopath in me that sees the beauty in what it is we are trying to accomplish. each silk strand is placed in  particular place to make the line connecting dots A and B. We truly do through our own deception try and make other happy. We are a cowardly generation full of "yes-men". I have not met anyone recently who can tell me no, or at least no with some conviction. It is crime to be selfish, so instead of excepting this, we twist our needs and others into something entirely different until we ourselves come out on top. It's how celebrities come back from scandalous sex tapes and the Mafia still lives and breaths. its how something small turns into something uncontrollable. And we wonder why we are scared of spiders.